WHY we recommend training
- Helps YOU manage the dog no matter what situation you encounter
- Helps YOUR PET manage his/her behavior no matter what the situation.
- Helps YOUR PET to feel safe, secure, confident and relaxed with you in charge .
- Strengthens the bond between YOU and your NEW 4-legged furry companion.
- Helps YOU understand the message (body language) YOUR PET is sending.
- AND ..... Helps YOUR PET understand the expectations of your commands
DREAM4pets.org - Resources
Dedicated Rescue Efforts for Animals in Many counties
DREAM will help SPAY or NEUTER your PET !
- At your LOCAL Veterinarian....
Use DREAM's Spay/Neuter pet application YOUR Application must be sent to DREAM 10 days in advance of surgery date. This excludes NOMAD, RASCAL, and low cost clinics. Due to limited funding, priority will be given to dogs adopted from Miami County Animal shelter.
- HERE are some LOW COST Spay/Neuter and VET CARE .....
Shelby County Animal Shelter (Sidney) brings in a mobile clinic every quarter, call 498-7201
Logan County (Bellefontaine) brings in a mobile clinic every quarter ,
CDC = Columbus Dog Connection is the mobile clinic that travels to Logan and Shelby
Animal Care Alliance (Richmond, Indiana) LOW Cost Spay/Neuters/Vaccines 765 - 488 - 1342
SiCSA (dogs and cats) Kettering, OH
The application for spay and neuter (program is for dogs and cats and is for any county),
Contact is Zandra Gibson, Spay/Neuter Coordinator 937-294-6505 x 16
RASCAL unit LOW COST Spay/Neuter unit, by reservation only
AND.. Tractor Supply and PETCO now offer some discounted vetting
services as well on a routine basis; call them for dates and time
- LOW COST FELINE Spay & Neuter programs:
NOMAD at Miami County Animal Shelter
332 - 6919 FILLS up FAST, must schedule in advance
Darke County Humane Society (Greenville)
548-1009 or 548-7299 (PAWS Bingo Hall)
- TNR (TRAP - NEUTER - RETURN) organizations:
- MEDICAL HARDSHIP case for your pet ?
Choosing NOT to spay/neuter ? Unplanned and unwanted litters EXPAND the pet population consequently shelters become over crowded - already the case in OHIO - adoptable pets are euthanized. And.....there is a greater risk of fatal illness or disease (cancer) with your pet
- UnLeashed (Jillian Casey) 937 - 508 -5713
We are an approved 501c3 organization
- "LOVE has no Age Limit; Welcoming a Dog into your family"
by Patricia McConnell, PhD, and Karen London PhD.
- "On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals" by Turid Rugaas
- Transition Tips for a NEW Dog or Puppy in the Home
Scroll to the bottom of their link to see and read all valuable information
A NEW PET joining your family requires TIME to learn your routine, your schedule, your expectations, your communication.... it is like YOU moving to a foreign country and not knowing the custom or language BUT YOU are expected to follow the routine. Patience is required to help your new furry companion learn and adjust to his/her new environment and family. Some dogs adjust quickly and some take at least 4 weeks... just like people: some are shy and apprehensive and some are out-going and ready to join the party. Please take time to assess your dog's personality and help him/her become acclimated to all family members slowly.
Trainers we recommend..........
IF you have a new dog in the family .......